Colour mixing with a double primary palette – 6th & 7th March

This session is about mixing colour in acrylics.  You know that red and blue make purple, yes?  But why does the colour you mix with red and blue turn out to be a dirty brown?  Or maroon at the very best?  Join us to find out how to confidently mix colours using a double primary palette.  Suitable for beginners and those with more experience.

  • Choice of times: 10am-1pm, 2pm-5pm or 6.30pm-9pm
  • Wall Village Hall, Watling Street, Wall, Lichfield. WS14 0AW

Colour mixing with a double primary palette – 6th & 7th March

Join us on either Thurs 6th or Fri 7th March with a choice of time slots for our colour-mixing workshop in acrylics.  Learn the difference between a warm red and a cool red, a purple-red and an orange-red  and find out how to choose the colours you need to create the colours you wish to mix.


  • 10am-1pm
  • 2pm-5pm
  • 6.30pm-9pm



Colour mixing with a double primary palette – 6th & 7th March
the art skills class lichfield

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